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16 April 2024

Hey bookworm, do you ever feel like reading just isn’t enough?

Do you sometimes finish a novel and think I could do better.

Do you secretly (or not so secretly) want to write your own stories?

Maybe, you already do…

WELL, whether you’re a published author, secret novelist, proud hack, or shy but intrigued newcomer this is the opportunity you’ve been waiting for.

Every week Cricklewood Library will be hosting the Cricklewriters’ Club.

Each week we’ll get creative and exercise our writing muscles with themed explorations of the craft and its many forms while also providing a space for you to share and develop personal projects too!

Whether you’re interested in prose, poetry, flash-fiction, genre fiction, screenwriting, narrative design (ie writing for videogames), manga, or even just getting out of the house – any interest or ambition is welcome!

Want to join?


We’d love to have you!

For any further information get in touch with Dan at email hidden; JavaScript is required, or simply apply here.

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16 April
19:00 - 21:00
Event Categories:


Activity Room


Dan Whitehorn