by Library Admin | 29 Nov 2021 | FRONT PAGE NEWS, library event
We missed it last year, and we expect you did too. So we’ll be back this year and singing lustily. We’ll sing outside, as group singing generates a lot of exhaled breath and potentially germs! Then inside for a mince pie and a glass of something cheering.
Expect the usual mulled wine and mince pies. The perfect start to your Christmas season.
Download the songsheet we’ll be using to print at home or view on your mobile device – saves sharing!
by Admin | 1 Oct 2018 | featured, latest, library event, table day |
Grab yourself a table for a tenner and flog your unwanted kids’ stuff at our Table Sale on Sunday 4 November, 1030-1330. This exciting event will take place INSIDE THE LIBRARY, so there’ will be a chance to have a poke around and see the space.
There will be free kids entertainment from Monkey Music and Tyan Archer, and we’ll be selling cakes and refreshments. Cake donations welcome!
Entry £1 per adult with all proceeds to Cricklewood Library. Donations for sale also welcome. To book your table use the button below. You do not need an account with Paypal to do this.
Book Your Table
by Admin | 25 Feb 2017 | events, library event, table day |
We had our first Library Table Day today, on a cold, blustery, grey February day, enlivened only by the great coffee, tasty cakes, good company and general air of bonhomie. We had visitors from the Park Run (hi Park Run people!), families looking at flats in the development across the road, a smattering of dog walkers (with very cute pooches!) and some cold, but friendly random passers-by join us for a cuppa and a natter about the library.
We had some volunteers sign up for the mailing list and for the many, many tasks that lie ahead. The plan is to run monthly table events until we open the library later in the year. Can you volunteer to help at them? The upcoming dates are (all Saturdays 1000-1300):
25 March
22 April
27 May
24 June
22 July
26 August
It’s a fun way to meet your neighbours and get to know your community better. If you can help, email us on for more info.