This lovely video was shared with me by Sofia Ali, who runs her Friday pilates class at the library (highly recommended). Sofia is a member of Queens Park Harriers, and every Tuesday, she runs a Walk to Run group for women in Gladstone Park. The women meet at 0800 for some warm up exercises and then a run around the park. It’s a friendly, social group, and has steadily grown over the years. If you’re a woman looking to get into running and not sure how to start, this is the perfect way in. Running with a partner is personally the only way I can keep getting out of the door in the morning, particularly during the dark, dismal winter months, so I can attest to its effectiveness as a training aid!  Why not try it out?

And Sofia is actively encouraging new sign ups to her popular pilates class too, so head on over and check it out.

The video showcases many of the lovely green and sustainable projects ongoing around Brent. We live in a remarkable borough, full of remarkable, resilient and community-minded people. #LoveWhereYouLive
