Raise funds for the library while you shop

Are you doing your Christmas shopping?  Ordering groceries? Buying presents? If you are, the chances are a lot of it is done online. Did you know that you can help support your local library while shopping? We have a page at Go Raise, an organisation which collects donations from large retailers if you go via our page to place your order. It costs you nothing, and we get a percentage of whatever you spend while you’re online. It’s a really great, FREE way to support the library while doing the stuff you have to do anyway.

To find out more about it, visit our page here: Go Raise

Poets for Hire

Tim Siddall and Lewis Parker are poets for hire. You give them a title, they write you a poem, you pay whatever you think it’s worth. They can usually be found outside Tate Modern in London, and they have been the surprise champions of Hay on Wye.

Source: POETS FOR HIRE – Humber Mouth