We’re very excited to announce that we have been nominated for an Aviva Community Fund award. https://community-fund.aviva.co.uk/voting/project/view/16-926. If we get enough votes, our application will go to a panel of judges who will decide whether we win or not. If we’re successful, it could mean up to £25,000 worth of funding for the new library, which would go a long way towards providing shelving, seating, flooring, books and other necessities for your new community library.
Here’s the link: CLICK TO VOTE FOR US
It takes a minute or so to register and when you’re done, you get 10 votes – PLEASE give us all your votes! And once you’re doing voting, please share the link with family and friends. Only the projects with the most votes are considered. It will take a minute or two of your time, but it could mean the world to us.
Thanks and happy voting (and sharing!).
The Cricklewood Library Team